user HuBaChi comments on the poem Peace on Earth:
"Deeply vulnerable, expressive, raw even to the edges of describing indescribable...well done, although honestly, a few stanza breaks woulda been nicer for the eyes while reading and processing your masterpiece" user RamachandranRajasekhar's comments on the poem Oakland:
“A beautiful flowing read . Enjoyable one . Nicely written . Narrative flowing and engaging . The lines -/Buzzing with thoughts and ideas, Minds are in a constant state of alert:/Discovering the meaning of life,/- show the depth of the poem . Nicely penned!” user Papa Terminus' comments on the poem Seasons:
“hmmm very resonating tone of nature in this penning especially the opening stanza, and yes people's moods do reflect the seasons...especially those feeling of winter...they are kind of cold and depressing...but when spring comes a new birth, people act like a new beginning has started...very smooth penning”