Rainbow of Emotions

About the Book

Rainbow of Emotions is a culmination of Djehane's life experiences. It is a map guiding the reader through the confusing labyrinth of life, unravelling the complicated pattern of her intricate journey through poetry. Djehane writes poems about nature, events and feelings, about life as a whole. She expresses her hopes and fears, her triumphs and failures, her gratitude and resentment. Every poem is linked to her soul! Every poem is a masterpiece in its own right!

Book Backgrounder

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Rainbow of emotions is a compilation of Djehane's various emotional ups and downs, relevant to events in her life and in the world. Each chapter has a specific theme: reflection, hope, nature, creativity, sorrow, time and fear.

The first chapter reflects on the relationship between parents and children as well as nostalgia for the past. The second chapter focuses on hope and faith in the future. The third chapter addresses the versatility of nature and the interaction among its dwellers. The remaining chapters delve into creativity, melancholy, eternal wisdom, the passage of time, illness and old age. The final chapter focuses on the desire for freedom, the fear of losing it, and the impact of war.

Djehane’s unique approach of adding a little whimsy to the deep dimensions of her imagination makes the book enjoyable to read, thus creating a deep connection with readers and showing them new perspectives.

About the Author

Djehane Hassouna grew up in Egypt where she received her formal education in French. Her fascination with French poetry and fairy tales has always inspired her writing. Djehane also speaks Arabic, Italian and a little Spanish.

Djehane received her BA in French from the Catholic University of America, her MA in Comparative Literature from Vermont College, and her PhD, in Romance Languages and Literatures, from the University of Pittsburgh. Throughout her life, Djehane has continued to express her feelings through poetry in both French and English. As she writes, and as her emotions take shape into verse, Djehane becomes one with her poetry.

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All Poems on this site are copyright © Djehane Hassouna. All rights reserved.