
The House of God

The House of God is not a building!
The House of God is my heart: this is where I pray,
Where I meet with my Creator, where I express my gratitude
As well as my deepest convictions. This is where I examine
My most harrowing doubts. This is also where I seek advice,
Ask for forgiveness, and reconnect with my hereafter..
Yes! God lives in my heart, so I have to keep it pure and
Welcoming, hospitable, generous, and free of sin…
God lives in my heart, and this is how I can have
Uninterrupted conversations with Him!
I pray, and my prayers find their echo in my heart!
My fears find immediate comfort and reassurance…
How can God possibly be any closer?
I do not need to travel far away to find God!
I do not need to shout to reach Him! A whisper
Is sufficient! As I breathe, I communicate with Him!
He has filled my soul with a yearning for perfection!
Thanks to His presence in my heart, I radiate confidence
And peace of mind, no matter how great my problems are!
How wonderful it is to always be with Him!

© Djehane Hassouna, 2007

Rainbow of Emotions, page 23

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