I chose my name; therefore, I like it.
It’s easy, yet unusual! Once you get
Used to it, you will never forget it...
I have some friends who kept on
Practicing until they finally
Mastered its pronunciation.
Where does “Djehane” come from?
In Persian, it means the universe;
It is used in Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.
In India, it is a man’s name.
It was also used in France in the Middle Ages:
Joan of Arc was called Sainte Jéhanne;
The spelling was slightly different back then.
My name has a silent D at the beginning.
Why? Just to add a touch of individuality.
It’s my name and it describes me.
I am no saint, but I love Joan of Arc.
She was so special! So am I!
Aren’t we all, in some respect? Yes, indeed!
It’s easier for me to remember names
Than to remember faces.
Rainbow of Emotions, page 3
All Poems on this site are copyright © Djehane Hassouna. All rights reserved.